Super easy way to make breadcrumbs without bread?
Gluten-free bread can be expensive so I don't always have bread around, but sometimes I still want to bread something, or top a casserole with crispies. Making a batch of waffles can be a quick and easy solution to meet your breadcrumb needs. You can use your own waffle recipe, or use mine below. Just make sure that whichever recipe you use, it doesn't have too much sugar. I've never tried it, but I don't think sweet breadcrumbs on my schnitzel would be the same.
Your waffles will crumb easier if they are a little drier. You can slightly overcook your waffles, or you could put them in the toaster or oven for a few minutes to evaporate a little extra moisture.
I ran my waffles through the grater attachment of my mixer. It did a perfect job! You could also use a food processor, blender, or a hand-grater.
Once my waffles were crumbs, I put them on a cookie-sheet and put it in the oven, on its lowest setting, until they were dry and crispy. (If your crumbs aren't too moist, and you're using them right away, you can skip this part if you want. All I'm doing is removing extra moisture.)
When my "breadcrumbs" came out of the oven I seasoned them, to taste, with salt, pepper, Italian seasoning, and parsley.
Rebecca L. Smith
I am on a strict Gluten free diet and I can't deny that sometimes I crave something so bad it just makes everything more emotionally charged. My favorite food of all time is Mozzarella sticks and for the longest time I was stuck eating string cheese, without the crunchy outside.
I used Pamela's gluten free flour & followed the recipe. The waffle mixture was not like normal. It was thick & not easy to out on the waffle maker. I added more milk & it became a little better but the waffles were gummy & took forever to cook? Any suggestions? I also added xanthan gum.
Hi Mary,
Not all gluten-free flours work the same. I haven't worked with a lot, so I don't know how it would work in this recipe. I think that Pamela's flour also already has xanthan gum, so if you also added some the recipe would have had too much xanthan gum, which would make them super gummy.
I often will add a little extra milk to get the batter thinner, depending on the weather, sometimes I have to add extra milk and sometimes I don't.
Hope that helps! I hope you have better luck next time. -Brianna